
Talking about intolerances concerns us there, and especially where the word 'different' resonates and is intended to be silenced; there where hostility against the heteros aims to erase differences—establishing sectarian and discriminatory shibboleths—with the passion of fury and the fierce bond with the other.


Accompanied by the visual poetry of prestigious Brazilian artists like Rosana Paulino and Angélica Dass, Intolerances addresses proposals such as Africamérica, Indifference and its clinical implications.
We present a retrospective of the work of two avant-garde analysts, Virgínia Leone Bicudo and Nise da Silveira.


From a world in danger of implosion, where the exuberance of irrationality prevails, fanaticism and intolerance emerge as privileged themes to reflect on the violences that constitute us.

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Calibán, Latin American Journal of Psychoanalysis

Official magazine of the Psychoanalytic Federation of Latin America -Fepal- formed by psychoanalytic societies and study groups from various countries in our region, member of the International Psychoanalytic Association, the IPA, founded by Sigmund Freud in 1910.