

Calibán Testimonies is available in digital version for free. Download the digital pdf of this publication here.

If our era is the most chattering of all, as it is said, we can interrogate our experiences and speech acts in contemporary times and their relation to testimony.

It is in testimony that the speaker experiences the weakness of the word testifying to its impossibility of speaking, brought to the point of being silenced when the experience is one of injury, of wound, of trauma. Thus it is important to think about the subject who enunciates it, the witness, often in the situation of the survivor, the one who has lived to tell the story.

The importance of testimony in contexts of migration, poverty and racism is highlighted. The resistance through testimony in the face of historical silencing, especially in Latin America is also addressed.

Thinking about the specificities of testimony in analytical practice is a line of research in this issue of Caliban in its singular relationship with knowledge, truth, memory and its scope in transmission.



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