
This section receives unpublished articles on the issue’s main theme. The articles go through a blinded evaluation to ensure the journal’s ethical commitment.


This section explores the take of psychoanalysts from Latin America and elsewhere on the controversial themes that invade the analyst’s office: money, supervision, the end of an analysis’ process, racism, gender and sexuality, tele analysis, and more.


This section invites thinkers from other cultural areas to a dialogue with psychoanalysis in order to expand the psychoanalysts’ spectrum of interests.

Classic and modern

This section studies classic theorists through the lens of contemporary analysts.

By heart

etrieves the works of pioneer Latin American psychoanalysts who left their mark on the history of the field.

Invisible Cities

Chronicles written by psychoanalysts about their experience as analysts in Latin American cities.


This section explores psychoanalysis that happens beyond the office walls and reaches new forms of working and penetrating into the community.


In this section, renowned cultural personalities such as writers and artists are interviewed and share their personal experience with psychoanalysis.


This section presents articles on themes other than the issue’s focus, but which are recurrent on the works we receive. The relevance of such emergent themes grants them with space in Calibán.

The Foreigner

Non-psychoanalysts, foreign to our field, are invited to write about the issue’s theme.

Out of field

This section is a space for psychoanalysts’ works that are not particularly linked with the issue’s theme.